The major function performed by information handling system is
A.Automatic measuring
B.Automatic logging
C.Alarm monitoring
D.Data and alarm scanning
E.All of the above
A.Automatic measuring
B.Automatic logging
C.Alarm monitoring
D.Data and alarm scanning
E.All of the above
A.A darwing process that forms metal sheet by using a movable steel punch and a rubber headed ram
B.Is a foming process on lathe in which movement of tool is neither governed by cross slide nor by compound slide
C.Is a forming tool and on lathe machine to generate spherical surfaces
D.A work holding device in which plane of rotation can be changed while working
E.Is a gauge used to check regular surfaces
A.Tinning the two surfaces to be joined, applying flux and heating
B.Heating two surfaces to be joined, to the high temperature in presence of flux
C.Heating two surfaces at low temperature
D.Joining of two surfaces without use of flux
E.None of the above
A.Molten metal is exhausted
B.Molten is full
C.Molten metal is seen through the riser
D.Molten metal rises in the riser
E.Molten metal flows out of the riser
C.Muntz metal
A.High energy rate forming
B.Explosive forming
C.Pneumatic mechanical forming
D.Electro-machining process
E.Chipless machining
A.Heat the metal
B.Melt the solder
C.Heat the flux
D.None of these
A.All sides of patterns
B.All round surfaces of pattern
C.All corners of the pattern
D.All horizontal surfaces of the pattern
E.All vertical surfaces of the pattern
A.Cast steel
B.Mild steel
C.Pig iron
D.Cast iron