Related Mcqs:
- The branch of zoology under which fossils are studied, is called:
- The branch in which organism’s life cycle, mode of transmission and interaction with their hosts are studied is:?
- The study of functional Anatomy is called:
- Should life history of frog reflect any one aspect of the evolution, it can be expressed as:
- The study of fossils is called??
- Branch of Science dealing with microscopic anatomy of tissues is called:
- Branch of biology, which deals with the laws of heredity or similarities and dissimilarities between individuals related by descent, is called:
- A branch of ecology which is concerned with the study of individual species at all stages of its life cycle in relation to environment is called:?
- The branch of biology which deals with the study of social behavior and communal life of human beings living in any environment is called ??
- Fossils are remains of: