The following show commensalisms:? Forestry Environment Mcqs March 4, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Sea anemon, hermite crab B.Bird and rhino C.Butter fly and sunflowerD.Liver fluck and sheepundefined Related Mcqs: He said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a bird”. Formation of glucose from glycogen is termed: If you have a PowerPoint show you created and want to send using email to another teacher you can add the show to your email message as a (an)____________?? In which of the following series has the evolution of man occurred : When liver fat contents of our body increase then the condition leads to: The serotinous cones show:? Which of the following plants does not show predation?? Biting and chewing types of mouthparts are found to: The lichens show a mutualistic relationship originating from:? Frogs get fats form: