Sponges possess: Phylum Porifera Mcqs March 2, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Epithelial tissue only B.No tissues C.Epithelial and connective tissues D.All four types of tissuesRelated Mcqs:Inner surface of intestine is lined by:Umbelical cord, cock’s comb and vitreous body of eye are made up of:Wharton’s jelly is made up of:The tissue in which Mast cells occur is:Mast cells are present in:Matrix with collagen fibres, elastin fibres, reticular fibres, fibrocytes, macrophages, mast cells, plasma cells, eosinophils etc. is found in:Cells characteristic of sponges are:Nails, hoofs and horns are examples of:Cells of Leydig are found in the:Aging in our body is associated with deterioration in our: