Anaerbic respiration occurs in: Phylum Plathelminthes Mcqs February 21, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Liver-fluke and tape-worms B.Annelids C.Molluscs and echinoderms D.None of theseRelated Mcqs:Earth worms and tape-worms differ in one of the following respects:In which of these the male lodges several females in a gynaecophoric canal:Which of these do not have a ventral nerve cord:Alimentary canal is absent in:Which of these platyhelminths are not parasites:Miracidium is found in thr life cycle of:Hexacanth embryo is found in the life cycle of:Which of these parasites has no intermediate host:Body is not segmented in:A pseudocoel is present in which of these: