Intracellular digestion is Hydra takes place in: Phylum Cnidaria or Coelentrata Mcqs September 25, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Acidic medium B.Alkaline medium C.Neutral medium D.First acidic and then alkaline mediumRelated Mcqs:Ptyalin present in saliva acts in:If a solution has pH = 2. it isA pH value of 6.0 indicates that the soil reaction is:If the pH of water is 7 it means the water isCoelomic fluid in earthworm is:Sea water is ____________.Availability of phosphorus is maximum at pH:All potassium fertilizers are physiologically alkaline, there reactionwith soils is:A sample of water having pH value of 7 isBone meal is well suited for: