Locomotion in earthworms is dirctly facilitated by: Phylum Annelida Mcqs June 13, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Mucus secreted by epidermis B.Segmentation of body C.Rhythmic contractions of body segments D.Setae onlyRelated Mcqs:Hormones in our body are the substances which are:Earthworms move with the help of:A skeleton like function is performed in earthworms during locomotion by:Which of the following feature is characteristic mark for identification of an arthropod:The organs of locomotion in annelids are__________??We loose hunger in fever because:Myrlapods are characterized by:Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the locomotion in Euglena??In submerged hydrophytes entry of CO2 is through:?Septum in Pheretima is made by: