In earthworm the exonephric excretion takes place by: Phylum Annelida Mcqs January 15, 2020 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Septal nephridia B.Phryngeal nephridia C.Integumentary nephridia D.Integumentary and phryngeal nephridiaRelated Mcqs:Structures typically found in every segment of earthworm are:Excretion in crustaceans occurs by:Excretion in flat-worms is performed by:Excretory organs in earthworm are:Excretory system of Fasciola and tapeworm is characterized by the presence of:Terminal ducts of septal nephridia in earthworm open:Excretion by nephridia occurs in:In land plants the gaseous exchange takes place through the open stomata, in submerged hydrophytes it takes place/through:Uricotelic excretion is found in the:The term excretion means: