Brunner’s glands are found in: Digestive System Mcqs August 7, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Stomach and oesophagus B.Duodenum and ileum C.Buccal cavity and pharynx D.None of theseRelated Mcqs:Pylorus in frog is found between:Muscularis muscosae, lamina propria and multicellular glands are absent in:Salivary chamber in Pheretima is the part of:Salivary glands in cockroach open into:Cardia is present between:Stomodaeal valve of cockroach controls:Longest oesophagus is found in ______________?Voice box is another name used for___________??In which of the following organs of alimentary canal, there is least or no peristalsis:Argentaffin cells are present in mucous membrance of: