Arthropods may have blood which: Classification Of Animals Mcqs April 6, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Resembles human blood B.Circulates in arteries and veins C.Has haemoglobin in cells D.Circulates through an open systemRelated Mcqs:Which vessels carry blood from lungs to heart:Which of these has oxygenated blood:Which of these facts sugests that oxygen is transported from lungs to the tissues combined with haemoglobin rather than dissolved in blood plasma:Exchange of materials between blood and tissue fluid occurs through:Blood in chordates and non-chordates is different in which of the following respects:Blood is carried towards the heart by __________??Open circulatory system can contain_________??Interchange of materials in the tissue occurs between:Which one of the following is laminar flowBlood pressure is the force which: