Which of the following chambers are absent in the heart of rabbit: Circulatory System Mcqs November 11, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Auricles and ventricle B.Synangium and pylangium C.Sinus verosus and conus arteriosus D.Both of (b) & (c)Related Mcqs:Heart in frog has certain chambers which are not found in rabbit:Pylangium and synangium in frog’s heart are divisions of:Deoxygenated blood first enters in _________ part in fishes??SA-Node in rabbit’s heart is found in the:Heart of frog differs that of rabbit by presence of:Blood from the wall of heart itself in rabbit is collected by:Thebesian valve is present in the heart of rabbit at:Short aortic trunci in frog are formed by division of:Chordae tendinae are found in:Insect haemocoel consists of the following sinuses. Choose the odd one: