Inner surface of intestine is lined by: Animal Tissues Mcqs August 18, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Muscles only B.Epithelial tissue only C.Several types of tissues D.Epithelial and muscular both types of tissuesRelated Mcqs:Sponges possess:Mast cells are present in:The tissue in which Mast cells occur is:Fore-gut is lined internally by:In case the concentration of oxygen in the tissues were almost as high as at the respiratory surface then:Which of the following tissues lacks collagen and elastin fibres:Sheaths of cartilages, muscles and nerves are formed of:Pharynx and tongue are lined with endodermal stratified squamous epithelium but nasopharynx is lined in rabbit with:Umbelical cord, cock’s comb and vitreous body of eye are made up of:Dermal surface of Euplectella is made by: