Chondrin is transleuscent and pearly white/bluish in: Animal Tissues Mcqs December 25, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Fibro cartilage B.Hyaline cartilage C.Elastic cartilage D.Calcified cartilageRelated Mcqs:Rings of trachea and hyoid are made up of:Stiff supporting structure in pinna of ear is:Ear pinnae, epiglottis and bronchiolar cartilages are:Chondrin is found in the matrix of:Elastic pads at articular ends of long bones are formed of:Exoskeleton in cockroach is made up of:A vertical demand curve for a commodity shows that demand isChondrin is made up of:In a torsion pendulumOur body becomes bit taller during sleep or after death because: