Process of glycogenolys is means:
A.Breakdown of glycogen into glucose
B.Formation of carbohydrates
C.Formation of glucose
D.None of these
A.Breakdown of glycogen into glucose
B.Formation of carbohydrates
C.Formation of glucose
D.None of these
A.Link exergonic and endergonic reactions
B.Are produced in respiration process only
C.Are produced when ATP losses two molecules of phosphates
D.Are none of these
B.Incomplete oxidation
D.None of these
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these
A.Pyruvic acid
B.Acetyl CoA
C.Oxaloacetic acid
D.Malic acid
A.Our blood sugar level is constant
B.Glucose in body is converted into glycogen
C.Liver and muscles cannot store any more glycogen
D.Glucose combines with flycerol
A.Linking of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolisms
B.Utilization of intermediate products of any metabolism
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these
A.Fumeric acid
B.Malic acid
C.Oxaloacetic acid
D.Citric acid
B.Carbohydrate oxidation
C.Conversion of carbohydrates in the fats
D.All of these process