Beginning of the formation of archenteron in the development of frog represents:
A.Early blatula stage
B.Neurula stage
C.Early gastrula stage
D.Late gastrula stage
A.Early blatula stage
B.Neurula stage
C.Early gastrula stage
D.Late gastrula stage
A.From evaluation to fertilization
B.From fertilization to cleavage
C.From conception to parturition
D.Of implantation of the embryo
A.It is only-single layered
B.During its formation involution and invagination processes occur
C.Blastopore and archenterons are not formed
D.The archenterons is filled with fluid
A.Cell divisions of zygote upto completion of blastula stage
B.Cell divisions of sperms mother cells upto formation of spermatozoa
C.Maturation of oogonium upto formation of 1st polar body
D.Maturation of spermatids to form spermatozoa
A.10 hours of oviposition
B.20 hours of oviposition
C.30 hours of oviposition
D.50 hours of oviposition
A.No wastes are formed
B.Waste products are reabsorbed by embryo
C.Waste products accumulated eliminated at birth
D.Waste products are eliminated through mother’s body
A.Of entrance point of sperm
B.Opposite to entrance point of sperm
C.Offgray crescent
D.Of animal pole
A.Ectoderm of the embryo
B.Endoderm of the embryo
C.Mesoderm of the embryo
D.Ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm
B.Primitives streak
C.Hensen’s knot
D.None of these
A.Increase in cellular number by growth and divisions
B.Differentiation according to division of labour by genetic suppression
C.Arrangement of these parts into tissues, organs etc.
D.All of these