Holoblstic and equal cleavages in frog end after:
A.First cleavage division
B.Second cleavage division
C.Fourth cleavage division
D.Fifth cleavage division
A.First cleavage division
B.Second cleavage division
C.Fourth cleavage division
D.Fifth cleavage division
A.Dorsal side
B.Head end
C.Tail end
D.Ventral side
A.Cyclostomes, fishes and amphibians
B.Reptiles, birds and mammals
C.Both of the groups in (a) & (b)
D.None of these
A.Ectoderm only
B.Endoderm only
C.Mesoderm only
D.None of these
B.4 hours of fertilization
C.6 hours of fertilization
D.8 hours of fertilization
A.The embryo has three primary germ layers
B.Embryo is a hollow ball of cells with a single cell thick wall
C.Embryo has ectoderm, endoderm and a blastopore
D.Embryo has ectoderm, endoderm and a rudimentary nervous system
A.One week
B.Two weeks
C.Three week
D.Four weeks
A.Presumptive notochord
B.Presumptive neural tube
C.Presumptive ectoderm
D.None of these
A.Inside the body cavity
B.Inside the fallopian tube
C.Inside the uterus
D.Inside the vagina
A.Outermost layer of trophoblast only
B.Allantochorion only
C.Endothelia of capillaries of allantoic artery and vein
D.All of these structures