The untouchables are not coming forward because of
A.lack of knowledge.
B.their inferiority complex.
C.their traditional mind.
A.lack of knowledge.
B.their inferiority complex.
C.their traditional mind.
A.specific conduct of behaviour of people.
B.formal attitude of people.
C.the movement of people between positions that are on different social levels.
D.modification of relationship.
C.Religious feelings
D.Common tradition
E.None of these universal
B.varies from one society to the other same in some societies
A.horizontal mobility
B.vertical mobility
C.occupational mobility
A.Srict family controls
B.Use of intoxicating drinks
A.It imposes several restrictions on its members.
B.It imposes occupational limitations.
C.Its members are usually not bound by any religious order.
A.It results in social disintegration.
B.It promotes educational equalities.
C.None of these
A.a caste-ridden society
B.a feudal society
C.a society in which there is a healthy competition
A.the unemployed develop negative social attitude.
B.employment opportunities of decrease.
C.there is strain on communication system.