Which of the following is not the cause of instability of a modern family?
A.Keen struggle is going on to inherit parental property.
B.There is absence of social mores.
C.None of above
A.Keen struggle is going on to inherit parental property.
B.There is absence of social mores.
C.None of above
A.origin of religion
B.political system
C.economic system
A.It came prior to the society.
B.It has no territorial jurisdiction.
C.None of above.
A.man is a corporate being.
B.man is an individualistic being.
C.both a and b together.
A.Areas of arrangement should be widened.
B.Marriage should be kept as a social arrangement only.
C.None of above
A.patriarchal theory
B.theory of polygamy
C.matriarchal theory
A.It is not supposed to socialise the members.
B.The family is not required to provide medical facilities.
C.None of above
A.There was concentration of wealth.
B.There was absence of starvation.
C.There was environmental pollution.
A.There is benevolence in the family which creates problems.
B.Romantic marriages have increased.
C.None of above