A cash deposit made by business appears on the bank statement as _______ balance??
A. Debit
B. Credit
C. Expenses
D. Liability
A. Debit
B. Credit
C. Expenses
D. Liability
A. Expense of business
B. Income of business
C. Loss of business
D. Abnormal loss of business
A. Add income received in advance to respective income and show it as a liability
B. Deduct income received in advance from respective income and show it as a liability
C. Add income received in advance to respective income and show it as asset
D. Deduct income received in advance from respective income and show it as an asset in the Balance Sheet
A. Assets
B. Liabilities
C. Income
D. Expenses
A. Profit and Loss A/c
B. Trading A/c
C. Deducted from the concerned assets A/c
D. Shown on the liability side
A. Results of operations for a particular period
B. Financial position during a particular period
C. Profit earning capacity for a particular period
D. Financial position as on a particular date
A. Postage stamps
B. B/R
C. Cheque Deposited with Bank
D. B/R endorsed
A. 1981
B. 1881
C. 1871
D. 2001
A. Receipts
B. Payments
C. Incomes
D. Expenditures
(assuming the amount of capital remain same) A. Remain constant
B. Decrease by $5000
C. Increase by $5000
D. Increase by $10,000