Potential is:

A.An agroforestry and social forestry approach to land use exists in areas
B.Where soil fertility is low and mainly depends on the soil organic matter fraction
C.Where erosion potential is high and where the incidence of surface soil desiccation is high
D.All of the above

Energy crisis is:

A.A crisis based on the changing price of oil and load shedding
B.The search for acceptable and practical alternative source of energy
C.The environmental effects of a continuing dependence on fossil fuels
D.All of the above

Fragile ecosystems cover:

A.The arid and semi-arid zones of the world, arid savannas of the tropics, the slopes of the mountains of the tropics
B.And subtropics and forest areas of the developing world under shifting cultivation have been described as ‘Fragile Ecosystems’
C.Because their equilibrium appears to be easily upset and because they become ecologically degraded if certain forms of land use
D.All of the above

The major factors that make today’s ‘land-use crisis’ a global issue of greatest concern is:

A.The magnitude of the problem on terms of people and areas aaffected, which is unprecedented in history
B.The accelerating nature of the processes involved and the increasing irreversibility of their results
C.The lack of success (for socio-economic, cultural or ecological reasons) of most agriculture technologies from temperate regions to solve land-productivity problems over large areas of the topics
D.All of the above

Situation in Pakistan with respect of forests:

A.Forest resources are limited
B.About five percent of the country’s land is under forest cover
C.It is becoming increasing difficult to meet the demands of the growing populace for fuelwood, fodder, and agricultural implements
D.More than 60 percent of the land in Pakistan is either already affected or likely to be affected by desertification
E.All of the above

Forests need is essential:

A.For those developing countries not possessing significant oil or mineral wealth upon which to base their economic development
B.The output from the use of their land resources must, for the foresceable future, form the basis for their economies
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these

Food emergencies meet by:

A.Forest and trees are intimately linked to agriculture
B.They play vital role in sustaining crop yields by helping to maintain the soil and water base
C.They provide a significant proportion of livestock feed
D.All of the above