Thinnings is:

A.A felling made in an immature stand fox the purpose of improving the growth and form of the trees that remain, without permanently breaking the canopy
B.Cutting made in immature stands in order to stimulate the growth of the trees that remain and to increase the total yield of useful material from the stand are termed thinnings
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these

Free thinning is:

A.The attention is concentrated still further on the selection of the stems evenly spaced over the ground
B.Which are to be retained to maturity or till the last thinning or two
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these

Soil working is:

A.Involved in uprooting weeds as compared with cutting them, has been the subject of experiments
B.Which indicate that local experience is necessary
C.As sometimes the gain is considerable, whilst at other times, perhaps mainly with light soil and only moderate weeds
D.All of the above