Environmental stability is:

A.All the material resources around us and degradation is closely related to the pattern of resource use within the society
B.The trees are the most important feature of the environment in which we leve, work, play and enjoy the bounties of nature
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these

Fuel wood is:

A.Wood has a significant role to play in meeting the domestic energy requirements
B.Wood fuels must replace commercial fuels to save the scarce foreign exchange and release natural gas for better and more productive utilization
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these

Importance of trees are:

A.One of the most precious gifts of God to mankind
B.When planted over large areas, they constitute a valuable resource
C.A resource much superior to other bounties and blessing because not only it is renewable but also it is multipurpose one
D.All of the above