The rock cover of the earth is called:? December 19, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Lithosphere B.Xerosphere C.PasmmosphereD.Pedosphereundefined
Excessive aerenchyma is characteristic of:? December 18, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Hydrophytes B.Xerophytes C.MesophytesD.Heliophytesundefined
In submerged hydrophytes, which of the following is present?? December 17, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Air spaces B.Cuticle C.Well developed sclerenchymaD.Well developed vascular tissuesundefined
The term ecology was proposed by:? December 17, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Haekel B.Odum C.DaubenmireD.Reiterundefined
The advantage/s of fire:? December 17, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Reduction of biotic thurst B.Destruction of diseased plants C.Both (a)
The relationship between a climber and the host corresponds to:? December 16, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Neutralism B.Mutualism C.ParasitismD.Commensalismundefined
Which of the following horizons has the maximum amount of organic matter?? December 14, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Horizons A2 and B B.Horizon B only C.Horizon A1D.Horizons B and Cundefined
Autecology refers to:? December 13, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Plant ecology B.Animal ecology C.Ecological study of individual speciesD.Ecological study of group of species, which is grown togetherundefined
Which of the following is a mangrove plant?? December 12, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Acanthus ilicifolius B.Avicennia offcinalis C.Ceriops roxburghianaD.All of theseundefined
MAB stands for:? December 9, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Man and biology programme B.Man and biosphere programme C.Mammals and biosphere programmeD.Mammals and biology programmeundefined