Seed orchard means:

A.It is plantation or group of good quality trees, which are purposely raised for the production of good quality seed
B.The spacing is kept very wide in order to enable to tree to freely spread its crown so that flowering and fruiting is healthy and early.
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these

Seed certificate means:

A.Seed is transported from one place to another a certificate should be sent alongwith
B.In this certificate the species date of collection, locality from where collected, characteristics of mother trees. Method of collection and storage
C.Both (a) & (b)
D.None of these

In case of terrain:

A.If slopes are steep certain mechanized operations are not possible
B.Slopes also have great effect on timber breakage
C.Work on sloping terrain is also arduous and dangerous
D.All of the above

Seed testing means:

A.Purity: A sample of seed is weighed before cleaning and after cleaning. The result is expressed in percentage
B.Germination trests: A sample of seed is sown in sand or soil in trays in the laboratory
C.The sample comprises of 50 or 100 seeds
D.All of the above