Which of the following are synonyms?
A.Humidity ratio and specific humidity
B.Degree of saturation and degree of reaction
C.Sensible cooling and dehumidification
D.Relative humidity and specific humidity
A.Humidity ratio and specific humidity
B.Degree of saturation and degree of reaction
C.Sensible cooling and dehumidification
D.Relative humidity and specific humidity
A.Should be placed inside the room
B.Should be placed outside
C.Should be mounted on window
D.Should be placed at the roof level
E.None of the above
A.To be injected in circulating air
B.To be used for humidification
C.To be used for filtration of air
D.To be used for cooling the compressor
E.To be used for cooling the building
A.To remove heat from condenser
B.To improve performance of a condenser
C.To discharge the heat exchanged in condenser to the surroundings
D.To remove the heat of superheat of the refrigerant before it enters the condenser
E.None of the above
A.Relative humidity
B.Specific humidity decreases
C.Humidity ratio
D.Degree of saturation
E.None of the above
A.High refrigerant charge
B.Low refrigerant charge
C.Air in the system
D.High vapour pressure
E.Any of the above
A.Size of compressor required would be large to handle volumes of vapour
B.Compression ratio has to be restricted till stronger body of compressor is needed
C.Condenser capacity must be increased to handle the refrigerant
D.Insulation should be capable of withstanding such low temperatures
E.Freon 12 cannot be used for such low temperatures
A.Newton’s law of gases
B.Kinetic theory of gases
C.Fick’s law
D.Avogadro’s hypothesis
E.Dalton’s law of partial pressures.
B.Red or pink
C.Violet or orange
D.Black or grey
E.Blue or bright green
A.Confirms the flow of refrigerant
B.Indicates the efficiency of cycle
C.Helps in adjusting the compressor performance
D.Shows the heat of refrigerant leaving the cylinder on way to the condenser
E.None of the above