Water in lubricating oil aids in
C.Formation of solution
C.Formation of solution
A.In gas turbines for compression of air
B.For supercharging reciprocating engine
C.In jet propulsion units
D.In rockets for producing air fuel mixture
E.None of the above
A.Leakage of oil through oil pan gasket
B.Poor quality or improper viscosity of engine oil
C.Excessive oil pressure
D.Badly worn piston rings
E.Any of the above
A.mass production of small castings
B.production of castings which do not require machining
C.castings having several hollow spaces
D.castings for light metals
A.1 mm/metre
B.5 mm/metre
C.14 mm/metre
D.25 mm/metre
A.4 to 6 kg/cm2
B.14 to 16 kg/cm2
C.24 to 26 kg/cm2
D.34 to 36 kg/cm2
A.7/8 L from fixed end
B.3/8 L from free end
C.5/8 L from free end
D.At free end
A.Will have capacity to melt 20 kg of copper
B.Will have internal diameter of 20 cm
C.Will have height of 20 cm
D.Can take 20 cc of molten material
E.Can produce castings of 20 kg only