A compressure force in boom in above problem is
A.1096 kg
B.693 kg
C.1390 kg
D.886 kg
A.1096 kg
B.693 kg
C.1390 kg
D.886 kg
A.Simple pendulum
B.A particle moving in gravitational field
C.Frictionless movement of a principle over a surface
D.Frictional movement of a particle over a surface
E.Flow of water in a pipe
C.Mild steel
D.Carbon steel
E.Hard steel
A.Kinetic energy
B.Potential energy
C.Total energy
E.All of the above
A.Charle’s law
B.Gay Lusac’s law
C.Dalton’s law
D.Lewis law
E.None of the above
A.Newton’s law
B.Law of gravitation
C.Law of nature
D.Principle of conservation of momentum
E.Principle of conservation of mechanical energy
A.A solid substance capable of removing moisture from a gas, liquid or solid
B.A substance which reduces the viscosity of liquids
C.Heat given off by cargo
D.A process of removing heat under controlled conditions
E.Anammonia and a water solution
A.Shear force is zero
B.Shear force is maximum
C.Bending moment is zero
D.Axial thrust is zero
A.Grit on lining
B.Drums scored
C.Loose lining screws
D.Distored brake spiders
E.Any of the above