A single unit of 50 MW is generally not available with which type of power plant?
A.Diesel engine power plant
B.Gas turbine power plant
C.Hydro-electric power plant
D.Steam power plant
E.Nuclear power plant
A.Diesel engine power plant
B.Gas turbine power plant
C.Hydro-electric power plant
D.Steam power plant
E.Nuclear power plant
A.Bottom tap
B.Plug tap
C.Straight tap
D.Taper tap
E.Any one
A.Reduced capital investment
B.Better quality of product
C.Better service to customers
D.Easier maintenance
E.Increased wages
A.A eutcctic of iron and iron phosphide
B.A gadget for measuring volume
C.A measure of magnetic induction produced in a material
D.Antimony bearing lead or tia alloy
E.None of the above
A.Increasing tube diameter
B.Providing steel tube
C.Taking into account expansion of tube
D.Filling the stem with nitrogen under pressure
E.Range cannot be increased
A.Elastic strength
B.Coefficient of friction
C.Surface lubrication
D.Surface hardness
A.It can resist tensile stress
B.Additional weight is provided on the body of the dam
C.Friction pads are provided
D.Anchor blocks are provided
E.Coefficient of driction of the material is increased
A.100 to 170 atm
B.60 to 70 atm
C.30 to 40 atm
D.20 to 25 atm
E.10 to 15 atm
A.Similar to a perfect gas
B.Frictionless and incompressible
C.One which obeys Newton’s law of viscosity
D.One which satisfies continuity equation
E.One which flows through pipes with least friction
E.(C) and (D) together