Capacity of a hydro-electric plant in service in excess of the peak load is known as
A.Operating reserve
B.Spinning reserve
C.Cold reserve
D.Hot reserve
E.Peak reserve
A.Operating reserve
B.Spinning reserve
C.Cold reserve
D.Hot reserve
E.Peak reserve
A.Man and machine analysis chart
B.Man and maching operation time chart
C.Man and machine, process time chart
D.Multiman operation time chart
E.All of the above
A.Rs. 120,000
B.Rs. 150,000
C.Rs. 180,000
D.Rs. 220,000
E.Rs. 240,000
A.Straight piece work
B.Straight piece work with guaranteed base
C.Halsey 50-50 plan
D.100% bonus plan
E.Straight salary
A.stepped movement
B.slow speeds only speeds only
D.infinitely variable speeds
A.joint sector undertaking
B.public sector undertaking
C.departmental operation
D.private sector undertaking
A.Rs. 5000
B.Rs. 6000
C.Rs. 8000
D.Rs. 10000
E.Rs. 15000
A.A positive drive
B.Not a positive drive
C.Meant for small torque transmission only
D.Used only when the two pulleys have parallel axis
E.None of the above