In the long run equilibrium of a competitive firm, which one of the following will not hold true?
A.Price will equal marginal cost
B.Marginal cost will equal average cost
C.Price will equal average cost
D.Prices will equal average variable cost
A.Price will equal marginal cost
B.Marginal cost will equal average cost
C.Price will equal average cost
D.Prices will equal average variable cost
A.Cost of raw material
B.cost of machining
C.Power consumption in fabrication
D.Training for job
E.None of the above
A.The purchase power of money wages
B.The total wages camed including perquisites
C.The gross wages carned by an employee
D.The net take home wages
E.Wages inclusive of fringe benefits
A.A motor-cycle sold at a marginal loss within a year of its purchase
B.A house held by a real estate dealer for sale, the value of which has increased before purchase
C.A pleasure car sold for more than what was paid for it within 4 months of the purchase
D.A gift which is resold within six months of receipt
E.None of the above
A.the curve representing the cost per unit of output
B.the same as the demand curve of consumers for the firm’s product receipts realised by the firm
D.B and C above
C.Apprenticeship training
D.Provision of housing
E.Provision of cold water in summer
A.the project is bound to fail
B.the chances of completion of the project are 100%
C.the chances of completion of the project are 50%
D.the chances of completion of the project are less than 50%.
A.Depreciation amount
B.Indirect business terms
E.All of the above
E.None of the above
A.Constant expenses = Profits
B.Total sales = variable expenses
C.Variable expenses – Profits = Total sales
D.None of the above