While selecting site for a regional paint, which factory services (is) are to be looked into?
A.Adequacy of supply of power
B.Water supply
C.Sewage disposal system
D.Availability of manpower
E.All of the above
A.Adequacy of supply of power
B.Water supply
C.Sewage disposal system
D.Availability of manpower
E.All of the above
C.Point rating
D.Factor of comparison
E.Needs of the worker
A.Protection against loss
C.Protection of family in case of sudden death of bread winner
D.Income tax reduction
E.An asset that can be gifted
A.uncertainty decreases
B.uncertainty increases
C.uncertainty remains unaffected
A.Designing new equipment
B.Recommending new installations
C.Recommending new products
D.Follow-up on the effectiveness of new installations
E.Survey of handling efficiency
A.Lower total materials handling cost
B.Lower total production time
C.Less work-in-process
D.Less floor area required per unit of production
E.All of the above
A.Tool material
B.Operation for which tool is made
C.Nose radius
D.Cutting speed
E.Limiting rpm
A.Milestone chart
B.pi chart
C.Bar chart
D.Gantt chart
A.work analysis
B.motion analysis
C.operation analysis
D.None of the above