A blind riser can be located
A.in cope
B.in drag
C.in either cope or drag
D.in cheek only
A.in cope
B.in drag
C.in either cope or drag
D.in cheek only
A.a thin shell is cast in sand mould
B.a strong core is prepared
C.a mould comprising thin shell is produced by mixing dry silica and resin binder
A.low voltage and high current
B.high voltage and high current
C.high voltage and low current
D.low voltage and low current
A.a method for production of chilled castings
B.an extra support for thin castings
C.an extra metal added to the original uniform section of the casting
D.none of the above
A.Hard screw
B.Pich dog
A.insufficient ramming
B.rapid pouring of molten metal
C.insufficient weight on the moulds during pouring
D.any of the above
A.refinement of grain structure
B.improving machinability
C.relieving internal stress
D.any of the above
A.Freshly failed wood
B.Old and used wood
C.Kiln dried wood
D.Seasoned wood
A.Rounded grains
B.Sharp or Angular grains
C.Sub-angular grains