The distance from pipe boundary, at which the point velocity is equal to average velocity in case of turbulent flow (when R is the radius of the pipe), is
A.0.111 R
B.0.223 R
C.0.446 R
D.0.892 R
A.0.111 R
B.0.223 R
C.0.446 R
D.0.892 R
A.Reduce the acceleration head
B.Reduce suction head
C.Increase delivery head
D.Smoothen delivery head
E.Increase the opening speed of pump
A.Same as the surface of the fluid
B.Lower than the surface of the fluid
C.Higher than the surface of the fluid
D.Dependent on atmospheric pressure
E.Dependent on atmospheric temperature
B.Surface tension
E.Vapour pressure
A.Pascals law
B.Reynolds principle
C.Archimedes principle
D.Schmidt’s hypothesis
E.Bernoulli’s theorem
A.h = v2/g
B.h = v2/2g
C.h = v/2g
D.h = 2v/g
E.h = v/g
A.0.36 poise
B.0.6 poise
C.1 poise
D.None of the above
E.None of the above
A.1 metre
B.2.5 metres
C.2.49 metres
D.2.51 metres
E.2.00 metres
A.At the centroid of the submerged area
B.The centroid of the pressure prism
C.Independent of the orientation of the area
D.A point on the line of action of the resultant force
E.Always above the centroid of area