The dielectric constant of petroleum products is
A.less than that of porcelain
B.more than that of porcelain
D.equal to or more than that of porcelain
A.less than that of porcelain
B.more than that of porcelain
D.equal to or more than that of porcelain
B.Amyl nitrate
C.Tetra ethyl lead
D.Ethyl mercaptan
A.the content of sulphur increases from lighter fraction to heavier ones with the residue having the highest concentration of sulphur
B.the content of sulphur deccreases from lighter fraction to heavier ones with the residue having the lowest concentration of sulphur
C.the content of nitrogen decreases from lighter fraction to heavier ones with the residue having the lowest concentration of nitrogen
D.none of the above
C.hydrogen sulphide
D.all of the above
A.equal to the flash point
B.higher than the flash point
C.less than the flash point
D.equal to or less than the flash point
A.Methyl tertiary butyl ether
B.Ethylene dibromide
C.Ethyl mercaptan
D.Armyl nitrate independent of the amount of water present
B.decreases with increase in the amount of water
C.increases with increase in the amount of water
D.decreases linearly with increase in the amount of water
A.they are less corrosive
B.they are less liable to carbonization
C.they form exhaust gases low in sulphurous and sulphuric anhydrides
D.all of the above
A.loss in catalyst activity
B.colour instability of the products
C.formation of gums
D.all of the above