Thermal neutrons are those which
A.are at very high temperature
B.move with high velocity
C.are at rest
D.have kinetic energies similar to those of surrounding molecules
A.are at very high temperature
B.move with high velocity
C.are at rest
D.have kinetic energies similar to those of surrounding molecules
A.x = 1 y = 2
B.x = 1/2 y = 1
C.x = 2 y = 1
D.x = 1 y = 1
A.One fluid exchanging with another fluid of the same chemical composition
B.The section of heat exchanger which will cause temperature drop of one degree centigrade
C.The section of heat exchanger where heat transfer surface area is one square metre
D.The equivalent length of tubes in case the heat exchange was for a temperature difference of 1?C
E.Condition when the change in temperature of 1?C numerically equals the average driving force.
A.more than 1
C.less than 1
A.less than or equal to 3 mm
B.more than 3 mm but less than 5 mm
C.equal to 5 mm
D.greater than or equal to 0.5 inch.
A.10 to 20 per cent
B.from 80 to 90 per cent
C.from 51 to 65 per cent
D.from 1 to 2 per cent
A.Naththenic acid
D.Methyl mercaptan
A.the driving for the vapour flow is the pressure drop
B.the driving force for the liquid flow is its weight
C.the liquids and vapours are always at their bubble point and dew point respectively
D.all of these answers