The temperature of sun can be measured using a
A.standard thermometer
B.radiation pyrometer
C.platinum resistance thermometer
D.mercury thermometer
A.standard thermometer
B.radiation pyrometer
C.platinum resistance thermometer
D.mercury thermometer
B.Mineral wool
A.Straight line cutting an intercept on the positive Y-axis
B.Straight line cutting an intercept on the positive X-axis
C.Straight line cutting an intercept on the negative Y-axis
D.Straight line cutting an intercept on the negative X-axis
A.200 seconds
B.100 seconds
C.12.5 seconds
D.10 seconds
E.None of the above
A.1.49 kcal/hr
B.298 kcal/hr
C.398 kcal/hr
D.500 kcal/hr
E.666 kcal/hr
A.Remove dirt
B.Increase heat transfer rate
C.Provide better mechanical strength
D.Reduce heat transfer rate
E.Reduce vibrations
A.Dry bulb temperature
B.Wet bulb temperature
C.Specific humidity
D.Relative humidity
A.W/m2 K4
B.erg/cm2-sec-K4 K4
E.All of the above
A.So that they may not conduct heat from outside
B.So that they may absorb all radiation from outside
C.To make them attractive to look at
D.Because porcelain takes high polish
E.None of the above
A.Reynolds number
B.Prandtl number
C.Nusselt number
D.Grashof number
E.Mach number