The law similar to Newtons law viscosity used in the solid mechanics is called
A.Newtons second law of motion
B.Archimedes principle
C.Hookes law
D.Newtons third law of motion
A.Newtons second law of motion
B.Archimedes principle
C.Hookes law
D.Newtons third law of motion
A.its own weight
B.its submerged weight
C.its own volume
D.its submerged volume.
A.1 N.s/m2
B.1 lb/
C.1 g/cm.s
D.1 kg/m.s.
A.Their velocities go on increasing until they hit the earth with the same velocity
B.Their velocities go on increasing as they hit the earth but final velocities of different drops are different
C.They fall with a terminal velocity which is the same for every drop
D.They fall with terminal velocities which are different for drops of different size.
A.pressure velocity and viscosity
B.shear stress and rate of angular deformation in a fluid
C.temperature viscosity and velocity
D.pressure temperature viscosity and rate of angular deformation in a fluid.
B.non colloidal solution
C.sewage sludge
D.rubber latex
A.0.0731 1bf/ft
B.0.0731 N/m
C.0.0731 dyn/cm
D.0.731 kgf/m
A.absolute pressures
B.vacuum pressures
C.local atmospheric pressures
D.pressure differences