______________is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do??
A. Nanoscience
B. Nanotechnology
C. Simulation
D. Artificial intelligence (Al)
A. Nanoscience
B. Nanotechnology
C. Simulation
D. Artificial intelligence (Al)
A. Press Alt O C
B. Format menu Columns submenu
C. Double click on column space in ruler
D. All of above
A. Left Align
B. Left Indent
C. Increase Left Margin
D. Decrease Left Margin
A. Console-operator
B. Programmer
C. Peopleware
D. System Analyst
A. Tools
B. Table
C. Insert
D. Format
A. Integrated Service Digital Network
B. Intelligent Service Digital Network
C. Integrated Service Double Network
D. Integrated Secure Digital Network
A. Basic Input Output system
B. Binary Input output system
C. Basic Input Off system
D. all the above
A. double click the space between area on ruler
B. double click the right margin in ruler
C. double click on the left margin area of ruler
D. All of above
A. Operating
B. Disk- Based
C. Management
D. Plateform