The soil erosion on slopes proceeds in the following manner: Soil Erosion and Conservation Mcqs September 6, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Gully ? Rill ? ravine B.Rill ? Ravine ? Gully C.Rill ? Gully ? Ravine D.Ravine ? Rill ? GullyRelated Mcqs:Soil erosion in plains consequent to rain fall is initiated by:Contour binding is done to check:Removal of top soil by soil erosion result in the loss of soil:The term riparian erosion is applied to:A slopy land on account of continued rainfall initially under goes:Soil erosion can be reduced by:Soil erosion can be prevented by:Soil erosion is prevented by:Odum has described soil erosion as:Main indicator of soil erosion is: