What are the chief pollutants of the atmosphere which are most likely to deplete the ozone layer?? Pollution Mcqs April 8, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Sulphur di-oxide B.Carbon di-oxide C.Nitrogen oxides and fluoro-carbonsD.Carbon monoxideundefinedRelated Mcqs:Ozone layer of upper atmosphere is being destroyed by:?Which of the following chemicals is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?Which one of the following is the main culprit in the thinning of Ozone layer in the earth’s stratosphere?Ozone layer in stratosphere is effected by:?Which pollutants result from automobile exhaust?Acid rain mainly result from __________?Biogas is composed of __________?Which gas is likely to be reduced in the atmosphere by deforestation?The ultimate analysis of coal givesThe proximate analysis of coal gives