Indexing for 107 divisions can be done by Production Engineering Mcqs August 27, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Simple indexing B.Compound indexing C.Differential indexing D.Compound differential indexing E.Angular indexingRelated Mcqs:Which grain shape of sand particles is least preferred for foundry sands?If a gymnast sitting on a rotating stool, with his arms outstretched suddenly lowers his armSimple indexing using a dividing head of turn ratio 40 for 6 division would beA four wheel drive hasDuring planetary motion which of the following remains constant?Liquid column manometers are used to measureVelocity of sliding between two mating gear surfaces can be defined asIn a system if the speed reduction of 60 : 1 is desired the convenient way is to useAn automobile gear box hasIn automobiles clutch is mounted between