Constantan is an alloy of Mechanical Measurements Mcqs June 12, 2019August 20, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Cu (55%) and Sn (45%) B.Cu (55%) and Ni (44%) C.Fe (55%) and Ni (44%) D.Pt (90%) and Rh (10%)Related Mcqs:Constantan is an alloy containingAn iron-constantan thermocouple can be used for the temperatureA copper-constantan thermocouple can be used for the range of temperature fromIron-constantan thermocouple is used to measure the temperature in the range ofAn alloy isWhich of the following alloy does not contain tin?Inconel is an alloy containingBrass in an alloy ofInvar is an alloy ofGun metal is an alloy containing