Wrought iron is Engineering Materials Mcqs September 9, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Soft B.Hard C.Least resistant to corrosion D.Highly resistant to corrosion E.Heat treated to change its propertiesRelated Mcqs:When silicon is added in the cast iron 13-17 percent is given an alloy which isWrought ironIron pipes lying under acidic soil are often attached to blocks of magnesium for protection from rusting. Magnesium offers protection to iron against corrosion because itBlisters in wrought iron causeMetalloid isDilute nitric acid applied to a clean fracture of wrought iron givesFormation of heat shock proteins in plants results in___________??The critical points for steelsThe numerical value of Young’s modulus of elasticity in ascending order for glass, aluminium, copper, wrought iron and tungsten are given byLatent heat is