When the same quantity of electricity is passed through different solutions the amounts of different substances produced are proportional to Chemical Technology Mcqs August 23, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.their atomic weight B.their molecular weight C.their equivalent weight D.the square of their equivalent weightRelated Mcqs:The rate at which a chemical substance reacts is proportional to itsThe quantity of an ion discharged druing electrolysis is not directly proportional toHeating value of gaseous fuels in Btu/cu. Ft.Smoking tendency of paraffins present in kerosineSmoking tendency of aromatics present in kerosineWhich of the following properties of elements is a whole number?The emission of a ?-particle causes the resultant nucleus to haveThe emission of an ?-particle causes the resultant nucleus to haveThe quantity of electricity required to deposit one gram equivalent of any substance isThe aurora is produced by __________?