Foot rot of papaya is caused by: Agriculture Plant Pathology Mcqs October 29, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Phytophthora palmivora B.Pythium aphanidermatum C.Peronospora parasitica D.Albugo candidaRelated Mcqs:Bengal famine was caused due to:Late blight of potato is caused by:Downy mildew of maize is caused by:How many cubic foot of oxygen is required for the complete and perfect combustion of one cubic foot of methane?How many cubic foot of air is required for the complete and perfect combustion of one cubic foot of methaneWhich of the following is responsible for Irish potato famine??Foot of Lamellidens is used for:Foot in Pila is used for:A foot valve is provided onThe foot valve is provided