Malpighian body in the vertebrates is associated with: Urogenital System Mcqs September 20, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Nerve impulse propagation B.Absorption of food in the intestine C.Excretion by kidneys D.None of theseRelated Mcqs:What is the function of synapse________________??Sodium-pump functions mainly to:Function of peritrophic membrane of cockroach is:Intestine in human body is about 29 feet long because:Malpighian tubules in cockroach are used for:Function of malpighian tubules in cockroach is:Which of the parts in vertebrates functionally correspond contractile vacuole of protozoans:Archnids and insects contain malpighian tubules as organs of:Malpighian body is the part of:Gizzard in earthworm performs the function of: