Suprascapula in rabbit is: Skeletal System Mcqs October 29, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Calcified cartilaginous structure B.Cartilagenous strip like structure C.Bony plate-like structure D.None of theseRelated Mcqs:Pre and epicoracoids present in the pectoral girdle of frog are:Lips of Ascaris are:In rabbit the coracoids are:An operculum covering gills is characteristic of:Scolidon or dog fish belong to the group of fishes called__________??Operculum is present in_____________??S-band locomotion is characteristically seen in___________??The process of austempering results in the formation ofHemoglobin molecule exhibits which structural organization of proteins___________??Which structure of protein gives information aboutnumber and sequence of amino acids in it_______________??