Acetylcholine is: Nervous System Physiology Mcqs October 2, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Chemical transmittor across synapses B.Chemical messenger C.Antistress hormone D.None of theseRelated Mcqs:Acetylcholine is responsible for transmission of nerve impulses through:Synapses between motor fibres and end plates are called:A hormone is:Secretion of androgens by testes is under the regulatory influence of:TSH stands for:Secretion of STH or GH of pituitary is stimulated by:Destruction of acetylcholine by acetylcho-linesterase is required because of:Acetylcholine retards the rate of heart beating by:Under which of these conditions, the heart rate is retarded by liberating acetylcholine:In saltatory transmission the impulse propagates: