Sensory ganslion connected with reflex action is located in: Nervous System Physiology Mcqs March 14, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Dorsal horn of gray matter B.Dermis of skin C.Ventral root of spinal cord D.Dorsal root of spinal cordRelated Mcqs:Which of these illustrates a reflex are:Which of the following groups of characters are confined exclusively to Chordates:Sensory nerve fibres enter spinal cord through:Which one of the following statements is correct:Nervous system of nematods consists of??Reflex responses are controlled by:Sciatic plexus in frog are formed by:Reflex actions below the neck are under control of____________??In rabbit the brachial plexuses are formed by the union of:Branchial plexus in frog is formed by: