Selective re-absorption and secretion process occur in: Excretion Physiology Mcqs May 4, 2019 BILAL KHATTAK0 A.Glomerulus B.Bowman’s capsule C.In whole of the tubule beyond neck D.In collecting part of tubuleRelated Mcqs:In a nephron the glucose is generally absorbed in:Malpighian body in the uriniferous tubules includes:Process of selective reabsorption involves:Process of ultrafiltration occurs:Process of ultrafiltration occurs in which of these organs:On which of the following site the posterior pituitary hormone acts predominantly??Which of the following filtrate contains excessive amount of amino acids, glucose, and salts??Process of meiosis is seen to occur when a cell:In which of the following case the process of sublimation can occur?Capsular pressure in human kidney is: